Health Surveillance Within Your Business

health surveillance

At OHBM we offer health surveillance programmes to help your business keeps its employees as healthy as possible. Health screening is important, because as an employer you have an obligation to ensure your business complies with statutory requirements like COSHH Regulations, HSE guidelines and more.

Why is health surveillance important for your business?

As recommended by the HSE you should screen individuals who are exposed through their work to known hazards. By doing this, you ensure your workforce stays fit and healthy, but ensure costs are kept to a minimum. Unnecessary screening means increased outlay for your business, and we are keen to avoid this.

When employees are fit and well they are more productive. When their employer takes and interest in their health, workers tend to feel a greater sense of well-being, and happier employees are great advocates for your business, allowing you to retain more staff.

OHBM’s health surveillance programmes

Our health surveillance programmes cover a wealth of potential issues, from hearing problems to lung-function tests. After a successful assessment, employees will be given a “fit certificate” which ensures your business is fulfilling its obligations to its employees and allows you to prove this to the HSE, or to your insurance company if it it required.

Our full list of programmes is as follows:

  • Audiometry (hearing tests)
  • Spirometry (lung function tests)
  • Hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)
  • Skin surveillance
  • Medicals for night-shift workers
  • Driver medicals tailored to drivers of fork-lift trucks, company vehicles and more
  • Medicals for those working in a confined space or working at height
  • Food handler medicals
  • Display screen equipment assessment (DSE) and eyesight tests
  • Asbestos and/or lead medicals with an HSE-appointed doctor

For further information about health surveillance programmes for your business, speak to the team at OHBM today.