What is occupational health?

In the UK every year 170 million days are lost to sickness absence according to statistics published on the NHS website. The cost of this is level of sickness on the British economy is estimated to be around £100 billion every year, according to statistics published by the Government’s Black Review, which studied the health of the population at working age.


Occupational health advisors help you to keep your staff physically and mentally fit, allowing them to work more productively and take less time off due to sickness. The healthier your employees, the better your business performs. This is why an occupational health advisor is a vital aspect of your business.

Elements of your occupational health plan might include the following:

  • Eliminating health risks within your business
  • Ensuring you are meeting your statutory responsibilities
  • Providing health surveillance and screening facilities
  • Advice regarding long-term health problems
  • Reducing short-term sickness
  • Promoting wellbeing services in order to retain staff and boost productivity

OHBM helps businesses in a number of different sectors – from building sites to offices – to improve their business prospects through occupational health. If you’re still wondering “What is occupational health, and how would it work in my business setting?” contact us for further details.